The man and woman who crossed the street so they could walk in front of me.

Jack Sprat and His Wife

It’s so rare to see such a skinny man in my city, that I had to take a picture.

Pink flowers

Pace Yourself

I saw a funny anti-hustle culture video today.

Bonnie's Starbucks order this morning

Fuck Saving Daylight

The picture has nothing to do with the subject of this post, but it’s the only one I took today and I don’t have anything to say about it.

All the cool shit I found today.

I Went Back…

And I’m so glad I did. I got a screamin’ deal on a bunch of cool shit.

Gluten-free ramen

Gluten-Free Ramen Hack

This is my first attempt at what I think might be a tasty, quick gluten-free alternative to ramen. It wasn’t a home run, but it has lots of potential and room for improvement.

Day 2 of laying stones for my firepit patio

Progess Is Slow

I’m exhausted, so things have slowed down a bit.

Laying stones for my new patio

Here We Go!

Today I finally started laying the stones for my patio!

Cleaning my kitchen tile with Bissell Crosswave

Cinderelly, Cinderelly…

Today was house cleaning day. Five adults contribute to the mess here, but only 1.5 clean it up. I’m the 1 in that equation. I’m at the acceptance stage of dealing with my situation. My situation being that I’m the only person in my house that isn’t a fucking pig. It’s been a long road […]

A peppertree with the sun shining through the crotch

I Got Some Trim Today!

Or rather, I gave the trim; I did the trimming. Someone got some trim today.

Smashing rocks: Day 2

Why Do I Do Shit Like This?

I’m on my second day of smashing concrete with a hammer and questioning every decision I’ve ever made.

Busting up concrete with a hammer

I’m Out Here Doin’ Hard Time

Bustin’ up rock with a hammer isn’t as bad as they make it out to be in the movies… if you’re only doing it for a couple of hours anyway.

Mid-winter sun, shining through clouds and bare trees

I Love, Love, Love This February Weather

It’s only been in the past three years that I started to appreciate winter in Southern California. I used to dread the short days and cold weather. Like everyone else in this state, I worshiped the sun and hated every day that wasn’t a summer day. Then, something changed. Or, maybe nothing changed, and I […]

A raindrop in a puddle on a steel drum

Cleaning Carpet In The Rain Sucks

Now that I don’t have to go out and clean carpet in the rain, I look back at those days and wonder how and why I did it for so many years.

I'm a farmer

I’m A Farmer

I took advantage of the free water falling from the sky and planted some garlic that had sprouted on my kitchen counter.

Me frying vegetables in a wok

How To Make Spicy Asian Stir Fry Noodles

It was kind of a bummer of a day: cold, rainy, drab. It was the sort of a day for which comfort food was invented. So, I made me some comfort food.