Another Beautiful Winter Day In Southern California
It was in the high 60s or low 70s today, but my neighbors didn’t seem to notice how beautiful the weather was. Around 11 a.m., I heard air conditioners running from a couple of nearby houses, and I could smell smoke from another neighbor’s fireplace. Where else on Earth would something like that happen?
Back To Work
After a two-day break, I resumed work on the firepit. I moved all of the excess dirt so I could see how much I needed to raise the blocks, and then I carefully relaid each block, making sure they were all level. I went through more of my gravel pile than I had hoped I would, but there was no way I was getting through this project without buying gravel.
As I’ve been able to think about what I did today, I’ve realized that the blocks are still too low. I’ll have to raise them even more tomorrow. That’s annoying.

A Dog Is A Big Responsibility
My next-door neighbor’s dog barked at me all fucking day. It’s an ugly, shitty-ass little French Bulldog that they obviously bought on a whim back when Frenchies were trendy, and now they can’t be bothered with it, so they leave it outside all day.
A while back, I realized that it wasn’t just barking, it was barking at me. If I make any noise in my backyard, it starts barking. The neighbors have a bunch of boxes stacked along the wall between our houses, and it climbs up on top of them to bark at me over the wall. I got fed up early on in the day and squirted the little shit with a spray bottle. If I did that to my dog, he would stop doing whatever he was doing and run away. It did absolutely nothing to discourage this little fucker, though. It just bit at the water between barks. Why don’t people teach their dogs manners?
Sailor’s Delight
As I was cleaning up this evening and putting my shovel away in the shed, I turned around and saw this stunning sight. Will it ever get old?