Well That Was A Weird Day
There strange things happened today.
There strange things happened today.
It’s so hard to convey a sarcastic tone through text.
It was a a rainy inside day full of computer work and comfort food.
Terrific and terrible have the same root. That’s fucked up.
So, you know I had to go back.
I make no apologies for the pun.
And I’m so glad I did. I got a screamin’ deal on a bunch of cool shit.
I did alright.
Gene Hackman died today and I remembered a line from “The Mexican” about his character that Bonnie and I quote all the time.
This is my first attempt at what I think might be a tasty, quick gluten-free alternative to ramen. It wasn’t a home run, but it has lots of potential and room for improvement.
I’ve been here for damn near half a century!
That’s human shit and toilet paper.
I was so close, too.
I’m getting fucking sick of posting every day.
I’m exhausted, so things have slowed down a bit.
Today I finally started laying the stones for my patio!
Today was house cleaning day. Five adults contribute to the mess here, but only 1.5 clean it up. I’m the 1 in that equation. I’m at the acceptance stage of dealing with my situation. My situation being that I’m the only person in my house that isn’t a fucking pig. It’s been a long road […]
That I want to drop this project like a hot plate and move on to a new one.
I did the same thing today that I did yesterday, except today I did it better.
And yet one neighbor had their fireplace going while other were running their A/C. Only in California.
I’ve been thinking about sausage and peppers all week. Tonight, it happened.
Or rather, I gave the trim; I did the trimming. Someone got some trim today.
My time is up. I’ve crushed my last rock. I’m a free man.
I made a visual sitemap for my website today. Well, I started it anyway.
This is the only picture that I took today.
I’m on my second day of smashing concrete with a hammer and questioning every decision I’ve ever made.
Bustin’ up rock with a hammer isn’t as bad as they make it out to be in the movies… if you’re only doing it for a couple of hours anyway.
Skinny Man Roll Sunday is back, baby! I know you’re as excited as I am.
Ok, so it’s not exactly a “new” project, but it’s a change from the garage makeover.
It’s only been in the past three years that I started to appreciate winter in Southern California. I used to dread the short days and cold weather. Like everyone else in this state, I worshiped the sun and hated every day that wasn’t a summer day. Then, something changed. Or, maybe nothing changed, and I […]
Now that I don’t have to go out and clean carpet in the rain, I look back at those days and wonder how and why I did it for so many years.
I took advantage of the free water falling from the sky and planted some garlic that had sprouted on my kitchen counter.
It was kind of a bummer of a day: cold, rainy, drab. It was the sort of a day for which comfort food was invented. So, I made me some comfort food.
Sometimes I feel like I spend more time doing chores than the average person.
I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I don’t think I would mind being stuck in a Groundhog Day event.
Today was the sort of beautiful February day that makes me glad I don’t live someplace with a winter. Smashed fingers hurt more when in the cold.
My workbench is finished! Now, I just have to clean up the rest of the garage.
Today could best be summarized by a picture of an old woman with no teeth and dead eyes, contemplating the blue light on the Ring camera while fumbling with the drawstring on her pajamas in the dark.
I broke my Insta360 One X…again.
The workbench is done! Now, it’s time to find a place for everything and put everything in it’s place.
I finished building the workbench today, but the hard part is yet to come.
This interminable garage makeover might actually end one day.
If Bonnie had a giant dinosaur, she would dress him for seasons, holidays and occasions, too.
FortuARTous? SerendipARTy? We’ll figure it out.
People bother to post some weird shit to the free section on Craigslist. Here is a small sampling from today.
Here we go again with the chicken littles and the falling skies. I think people want to feel like they’re in danger. It excites them.
My garage makeover project hit a speed bump today. It was by no means insurmountable, but it may have doomed my welder to the discard pile.
OMG! These gluten-free brownies are to die for! I didn’t think edible gluten-free brownies existed, but they do, and this is how to make them.
TikTok was banned and then unbanned in a whirlwind of political theater. It happened so fast that I couldn’t even finish this post before it was all over.
I’m not going to put things off anymore. I will probably continue to put people off, though.