Category: Family

What a loaded word – family. It doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone.  Some genuinely adore their families. Others despise theirs. There are families that are very and there are ones that never speak. There are even people who kill their families.

Our definition of family is just as complex as many other people’s. We both come from very, very different backgrounds. And then we went and made a family together with a wholly different dynamic than either of us grew up with.

We’re also at a different place in our life than most of the people we know. We married young and had children when our friends were still out whooping it up. So now they’re on their second marriages and changing diapers. Meanwhile, we’re on the parenting back-nine with one kid who can legally vote and the other less than a presidential election cycle behind him.

So this is where we share our perspective of raising a family out of step with the rest of our peers. We’ll also talk about differences in parenting style; what seems to work and what doesn’t. And our values. You can read about helping a child with severe speech issues, and our experience navigating the difficult and frustrating world of the I.E.P.

We’ll also talk about adoption from the perspective of an adoptee. You can also learn how I went from being the firstborn to the youngest to now being the middle child. It’s all in here. We hope you come along for the ride.