Category: Adoption

Adoption is a topic I feel strongly about as many people do. I was adopted at birth so the subject is very personal to me. As such, my views are rather unconventional and some will find them downright controversial.

I created this category to organize all of my thoughts on the subject of adoption. It will make finding this content easier for those interested.

My Plans For The Adoption Category

This category is for posts that tell the whole story of my adoption. You will find out things like who adopted me and what my relationships with them and my birth family are like. I will also tell the story of finding my birth family and talk about life growing up knowing that I was adopted and they were out there somewhere.

There will also be opinion editorial posts about my views on adoption, the foster system, abortion, and the general state of family and parenting in America. Public discourse on adoption and abortion lacks nuance. Opinions are very black and white when in fact the subject is in Technicolor. Most people think abortion is always wrong and immoral and all adoption is always right and moral. It’s like the old adage that when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything is a nail.

In this category, I examine these subjects more closely and deeply than I think they are being examined now. Talking about problems is the only way to solve them and we need to light on a subject most people are in the dark about.