Category: Food

Food is life. Without food, we would literally die! There are those, however few they may be, who deign to eat. They find meals to be an interruption in their day. They drink soylent and hot pockets.  We are not those people. Nor are we the type who value quantity over quality. The type who put ketchup and extra cheese on everything. The type who eats hot pockets. No, we enjoy long lingering meals with close family and friends. Good food, good wine, and good conversation. Those are the ingredients for a long and happy life.

Here you will find our favorite recipes, our favorite restaurants (if we ever start going out to eat again) stories about food, and our journey and struggles with food.

Of course, we are acutely aware that not everyone in the world gets to enjoy their food as we do. From people who don’t have enough to eat to people who struggle with eating disorders, there are millions of people who are not as fortunate as we are. I haven’t the faintest idea of how to solve their problems, but discussing the issues and bringing them into the light is a step in the right direction I think.

And we will. We will talk about all of these things and more in this section of our website. Because no matter how guilty we feel about it food is a huge part of our life We hope you’ll follow along and be a part of the discussion.