I Ran Out Of Stones 😩
There are probably more hidden around the yard, so I will look tomorrow. I know where two are for sure. I’m so close! Damnit!

Do Less. Live More.
There are probably more hidden around the yard, so I will look tomorrow. I know where two are for sure. I’m so close! Damnit!
Having spent his entire life feeling like an outsider, Richard has recently stopped trying to fit in and accepted that he is in fact an interloper in almost every situation in which he finds himself. To the average suburbanite, his habits bemuse, his interests bore, and his opinions repel. But you can read all about it here and decide for yourself.
I’m a lazy American car guy.
I’ve broken so many mirrors so far this year, I couldn’t possibly outlive all the bad luck I’ve created for myself.
I feel so betrayed.