I Unlocked A New Skill Today And The Results Are Abrazing!
I’ve had this old patio love seat for 12 years, and it’s been broken for about half that time. I repaired it once, with screws and corner brackets, but it didn’t hold. I’ve always intended to weld it, but the aluminum gun for my welder is $300, and with no other uses for welding aluminum, I’ve never been able to bring myself to buy it.
Then, yesterday, I got the idea to braze it. I’m not sure what made me think of brazing it, but while I was at Lowe’s yesterday, I picked up some brazing rod. This afternoon, I took my first crack at brazing aluminum, and it looks like it might work. I haven’t tried sitting on the chair yet because it was too hot, but the joints look okay.

Also, this morning, I installed the outlet boxes around the firepit. I don’t have outlets yet because Lowe’s didn’t have enough. I found a better deal on Amazon anyway. So, it was a productive weekend. Yay me!