The corner of my garage where my workbench used to be
A Photo A Day

I’m Going All In


I completely dismantled my workbench and work table. They are, at this moment, a pile of raw materials waiting to be repurposed into a new workbench. It was not my intention to scrap both of them, but once I rolled the big table into the corner and saw how big and unwieldy it was, I knew I needed to start over, and I’m happy about my decision.

My work table in the corner

Tonight, I went out and bought some insulation to stuff into the walls in that corner. Even in the middle of January, I could feel the heat radiating from the walls. Eventually, I’ll insulate the whole garage. Ideally, it will be done by summer, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

Right now, things are progressing nicely; I feel good both physically and mentally, I have a vision, a plan, and a blank canvas. I can’t wait to see how this ends.

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