My bike trailer packed to the gills with cool free shit
A Photo A Day

It Was All Free Today!


The warehouse sale I went to this weekend was giving away all of the leftovers today, so I went back to see what was left. There was no one there, so I took my time and went through every single box. I found a couple of tripods, another spotlight, some VHS tapes, a six-disc CD changer/tape deck, another video camera, and a bunch of other stuff. I filled up my little bike trailer and headed back home.

My bike trailer packed to the gills with cool free shit

When I got home, I just parked my bike and trailer. I didn’t have time to unload it. Maybe tomorrow. I had other plans for today and spending an hour rooting through garbage wasn’t one of them. The outlets for the firepit arrived today, so I installed them this afternoon. Each of the four outlets got progressively harder than the previous until the final one shorted out on the box and I stripped one of the screw holes. It was well dark before I finally got them all installed.

An outdoor electrical outlet

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