It’s So Close To Being Finished!
I got severely dehydrated yesterday. When that happens, it’s Zombieland the next day – maybe even the next few days. All my old body wants to do is sit in one place and stare at the wall. No joke. I could have done that all day today, but I didn’t! There was work to be done. Not very much work, though because I need gravel before I can go any further with the firepit patio.

I set the four posts that the electrical outlets will be mounted to and filled in the trenches I dug for the wire. I filled in behind the block wall with the rest of the gravel, too. Then, I looked online for a company to deliver more gravel. They were all about the same price – $60/yard – but their ancillary prices made big differences in their total price. One company had a three-yard minimum. I only need 1.125 yards, so they were eliminated immediately. Another company charged $310 for delivery. 👀 Ultimately, I found a place that will deliver for $200 out the door.

I could save some money by renting a truck or trailer, but then I would have to unload on the rental company’s timeline, and I hate that. Plus, all of the logistics of getting to and from the rental place make the $79 delivery fee seem very reasonable.
So, sometime on Friday, I’ll have a shitload of rocks to move. It’ll be nice to have a day off from shoveling dirt and rocks tomorrow.