It’s The Long Awaited Return Of Skinny Man Roll Sunday!

Skinny Man Roll Sunday was a weekly tradition that Bonnie and I observed for I don’t even know how long. We looked forward to it every week. Even the dog got excited on Sunday mornings.
Every Sunday, we would ride our bikes to our local doughnut shop to buy cinnamon rolls. They made everything in-house, so it was always fresh, and it was always dee-lish. They had two sizes of cinnamon rolls, but for some reason, the smaller ones had raisins in them, but the larger ones didn’t.
But They Have Raisins!
Every Sunday, we each ordered a small cinnamon roll, and the clerk would flip out and issue us an emphatic warning that they had raisins in them. It was so over the top, one might think we were taking a chance with our lives by eating cinnamon rolls with raisins in them. It was the sort of reaction you would expect from the waiter if you ordered puffer fish. We could never figure out why he made such a big deal about the raisins. Why not just make them without raisins if they’re such a problem?
By the time we got back home, the dog would be absolutely out of his mind with anticipation. After we parked our bikes, we plated our cinnamon rolls, grabbed forks, and headed out to the front porch. We ate our cinnamon rolls and watched the people go by. Bonnie would feed her raisins to the dog.
So, Why Did Skinny Man Roll Sunday Stop?
I’m not sure why Skinny Man Roll Sunday stopped. It was probably a combination of bad weather, money, and not wanting to die of congestive heart failure before we turned 40. Whatever the reason, it would have ended in 2020 anyway, if not because of COVID, then because I figured out I can’t tolerate gluten.
I gave up any kind of baked goods for years because gluten-free anything was so bad. In the past year or two, however, gluten-free has really stepped up its game. Either that or it’s been so long since I’ve eaten baked goods with gluten in them that I’ve forgotten what they taste like. Whichever the case, gluten-free is good now, so Bonnie has been making a scrumptious gluten-free coffee cake on Sunday mornings. I would prefer a cinnamon roll to coffee cake, but Skinny Man Roll Sunday is really about sitting out front, taking in the morning air, and watching the people go by. The dessert you eat for breakfast isn’t all that important.
The weather has been absolutely beautiful the past few Sundays, which is what led to the resurgence of Skinny Man Roll Sunday. We sit outside with the stupid dog who barks at anything that moves, and we eat our gluten-free coffee cake. For a brief moment, all is right with the world.