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A Photo A Day

Pace Yourself


A video popped up in my feed today of a young woman encouraging one and all to “hustle smarter, not harder.” She said that “it’s literally hibernation season” and that instead of new year, new me, it should be “new me with small steps.”

As someone who spent their 20s and 30s fruitlessly hustling, I can appreciate the anti-hustle movement that’s been trending around the internet lately. This video, though, cracked me up. She started off by asking why we start every year by seeing who can hustle the hardest in January. The whole video was about not sprinting into 2025 but pacing yourself.

I noticed that it had no comments and no likes, and I thought that was strange for a three-month-old video starring a pretty blonde girl. That’s when I checked the description and discovered that it was not three months old, it had just been uploaded 15 minutes earlier. What a clever joke. 😂 I commented: “A video about not hustling in January, uploaded two days before Spring begins in March, is the most ‘pacing yourself’ thing I have ever seen.”

Well played, miss. Well played.

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