Perseverence In The Face Of Waning Enthusiasm
The workbench is finally starting to look like a workbench. Everything is painted now…or so I thought. I had never considered painting the three stainless steel drawers. I thought about it but had no intention of doing it, but Bonnie saw my progress tonight and said that I absolutely should paint the stainless drawers black to match everything else.

Now, I don’t know what to do. What do you think? Should I leave them or paint them?

I’m not going to do anything with it right away. This garage makeover has dragged on for way too long already. I want to get the garage put back together and cleaned up so I can move on to other things. Had I known, when I went through that first drawer three weeks ago, that this project would drag on this long, I never would have started it. But, then, that’s why nothing ever gets done around here and why the shit pile (both literal and metaphorical) keeps getting bigger.