Remember That Blurred Lines Video
Bonnie got her hair cut last week, and it was the first time in 14 years that she was happy with it. It was her first haircut in 6 months because that’s how long it took to grow out enough to fix what the last person did to her.
So, this morning, when I saw a video on Instagram of Emily Ratajkowski trying to fix her awful haircut, I had to show it to Bonnie to make her feel better about all of the awful haircuts she’s had in her life. Even a professional model has to endure a bad haircut once in a while.
I don’t know about you, but I still can’t think of Emily Ratajkowski without thinking of 2013’s Blurred Lines music videos. I say “videos” because there were, of course, two videos. There was the MTV version and then the real one, where the women were all naked. Well, mostly naked anyway.
While thinking about the videos, it occurred to me that haven’t seen either of the other two models since then. I’m not sure if Ms. Ratajkowski has become a household name – if not, it’s because no one can pronounce it (Rata-Cow-Ski) – but she’s been very successful.
The other two, though, I have no idea. 🤷♂️ I’m sure a quick Google search would tell me what they’re up to, but I don’t care enough to bother. It’s after 10 p.m., I spent all day shooting B-roll for a video I have to have finished by Monday, and I forgot about my daily picture again, so I’m scrambling to come up with something to post. Gimmie a break. I’m writing a post every single day; they’re not all going to be winners. It’s not like you’re posting anything, anywhere, every day.
I remember the night I found the unrated version of the video. Bonnie and I were drinking with our neighbor. I played the video, and he became visibly uncomfortable. I often forget how prude and repressed people are. That’s probably why the video created such a buzz back then. It was funny to see him squirm, so I replayed it over and over until he went home. That, and I love titties, obviously.