Tag: Diet

I did the cabbage soup diet and made a 4 part video series about it. That’s the only reason this tag exists. Of course, doing that diet did hip me to the fact that I have a gluten and or wheat sensitivity that I never knew about before. And it seems like every day since then I have found yet another food that causes me problems.

My chiropractor always says, “Garbage in garbage out.” And I can attest that the more garbage I cut out the better I feel. Most people though would rather continue their garbage diet and then take a pill to fix the effects of eating garbage. And then the pills cause even more issues. It’s a band-aid mentality that I simply cannot understand.

There are a lot of people though who have a poor diet due to their financial circumstances. Garbage can be a lot cheaper to buy than healthy alternatives. But you can still eat healthy on a budget and I want to show you how.

That is why I will likely write more content on the subject of diets in the future. It is a subject with which I am endlessly fascinated. It’s so apparent to me that what we put into our bodies affects every facet of our lives. But few people acknowledge that fact.

I believe one day that we will discover that all sorts of mental illness is directly caused by our diets. Everything from bi-polar disorder to autism will one day be linked to our gut and I’m writing it here so that on that day I can say I told you so.