I make no apologies for the pun.
Tag: DIY
Gluten-Free Ramen Hack
This is my first attempt at what I think might be a tasty, quick gluten-free alternative to ramen. It wasn’t a home run, but it has lots of potential and room for improvement.
That Ain’t Bird Shit
That’s human shit and toilet paper.
I Ran Out Of Stones 😩
I was so close, too.
Progess Is Slow
I’m exhausted, so things have slowed down a bit.
Here We Go!
Today I finally started laying the stones for my patio!
It’s So Close To Being Finished!
That I want to drop this project like a hot plate and move on to a new one.
Talk About A Groundhog Day
I did the same thing today that I did yesterday, except today I did it better.
Another Beautiful Winter Day In Southern California
And yet one neighbor had their fireplace going while other were running their A/C. Only in California.
I Got Some Trim Today!
Or rather, I gave the trim; I did the trimming. Someone got some trim today.
Why Do I Do Shit Like This?
I’m on my second day of smashing concrete with a hammer and questioning every decision I’ve ever made.
I’m Out Here Doin’ Hard Time
Bustin’ up rock with a hammer isn’t as bad as they make it out to be in the movies… if you’re only doing it for a couple of hours anyway.
I Started A New Project Today!
Ok, so it’s not exactly a “new” project, but it’s a change from the garage makeover.
I’ll Be Able To Predict The Weather With My Thumb, Now
Today was the sort of beautiful February day that makes me glad I don’t live someplace with a winter. Smashed fingers hurt more when in the cold.
They Messed Everything Up!
My workbench is finished! Now, I just have to clean up the rest of the garage.
The Home Stretch
The workbench is done! Now, it’s time to find a place for everything and put everything in it’s place.
It’s Done! Not Really…
I finished building the workbench today, but the hard part is yet to come.
Perseverence In The Face Of Waning Enthusiasm
This interminable garage makeover might actually end one day.
The Craigslist Free Section Is Up To Shenannigans Today
People bother to post some weird shit to the free section on Craigslist. Here is a small sampling from today.
Things Are Heating Up Now!
My garage makeover project hit a speed bump today. It was by no means insurmountable, but it may have doomed my welder to the discard pile.
It Was One Of Those Days
How did the chocolate chip get stuck to the cabinet door? I wish I knew. It might make for a more interesting and satisfying post.
Best Laid Plans…
I actually thought I was going to build a workbench today. 🤦♂️ I should have known better.
I’m Going All In
After days of timidly testing the waters, I finally just jumped in head first. I’m tearing it all down and starting from scratch and I couldn’t be happier about it.
Buying Other People’s Time Is A Priceless Investment
This garage purge had me feeling crazy today, but I’ve come to realize that was just the old me dying, so the new me can live. Btw, how clean does that workbench look?
Simplicity Simply Isn’t Simple
Stores are packed with so much shit, these days that there’s no room to pass another person in aisles, and yet, they never have what I’m looking for.
And It Begins
So, I decided to let it all go. Now what?
New Year, New Mindset: Facing Your Issues
Am I having an existential crisis? Am I a recovering hoarder? Is scraping unfinished projects running away from your problems? All of these questions and more won’t be answered in this post.
DIY: Luxury For The Wealthy, Torture For The Poor
I fucking hate DIY!
How To and NOT To Repair an Insta360 One X
I replaced the lenses in my Insta360 One X and it didn’t all go smoothly. I made this guide so you can learn from my mistakes.
I used the Porter Cable 4216 Dovetail Jig to cut sliding dovetails into a Jatoba to build a little shelf for a wall mount corkscrew.