Tag: garage

Sparks flying from an angle grinder

Things Are Heating Up Now!

My garage makeover project hit a speed bump today. It was by no means insurmountable, but it may have doomed my welder to the discard pile.

A chocolate chip stuck to a cabinet

It Was One Of Those Days

How did the chocolate chip get stuck to the cabinet door? I wish I knew. It might make for a more interesting and satisfying post.

My garage at the end of today

Best Laid Plans…

I actually thought I was going to build a workbench today. 🤦‍♂️ I should have known better.

The corner of my garage where my workbench used to be

I’m Going All In

After days of timidly testing the waters, I finally just jumped in head first. I’m tearing it all down and starting from scratch and I couldn’t be happier about it.