Tag: photograghy

The man and woman who crossed the street so they could walk in front of me.

Jack Sprat and His Wife

It’s so rare to see such a skinny man in my city, that I had to take a picture.

Pink flowers

Pace Yourself

I saw a funny anti-hustle culture video today.

Bonnie's Starbucks order this morning

Fuck Saving Daylight

The picture has nothing to do with the subject of this post, but it’s the only one I took today and I don’t have anything to say about it.

All the cool shit I found today.

I Went Back…

And I’m so glad I did. I got a screamin’ deal on a bunch of cool shit.

Gluten-free ramen

Gluten-Free Ramen Hack

This is my first attempt at what I think might be a tasty, quick gluten-free alternative to ramen. It wasn’t a home run, but it has lots of potential and room for improvement.

Day 2 of laying stones for my firepit patio

Progess Is Slow

I’m exhausted, so things have slowed down a bit.

Laying stones for my new patio

Here We Go!

Today I finally started laying the stones for my patio!

A peppertree with the sun shining through the crotch

I Got Some Trim Today!

Or rather, I gave the trim; I did the trimming. Someone got some trim today.

Smashing rocks: Day 2

Why Do I Do Shit Like This?

I’m on my second day of smashing concrete with a hammer and questioning every decision I’ve ever made.

Busting up concrete with a hammer

I’m Out Here Doin’ Hard Time

Bustin’ up rock with a hammer isn’t as bad as they make it out to be in the movies… if you’re only doing it for a couple of hours anyway.

Mid-winter sun, shining through clouds and bare trees

I Love, Love, Love This February Weather

It’s only been in the past three years that I started to appreciate winter in Southern California. I used to dread the short days and cold weather. Like everyone else in this state, I worshiped the sun and hated every day that wasn’t a summer day. Then, something changed. Or, maybe nothing changed, and I […]

A raindrop in a puddle on a steel drum

Cleaning Carpet In The Rain Sucks

Now that I don’t have to go out and clean carpet in the rain, I look back at those days and wonder how and why I did it for so many years.

I'm a farmer

I’m A Farmer

I took advantage of the free water falling from the sky and planted some garlic that had sprouted on my kitchen counter.