Tag: Repair

I prefer to use things until they are unusable. Some people will buy something only to use it once and then discard it. But I prefer to use things until I destroy them. Sometimes that means that I have to repair something before I can totally destroy it.

I’m a bit neurotic and I feel guilty about throwing things away. I know things don’t just disappear into a bottomless void once the robotic arm tips the garbage can into the back of the truck. I’ve been to the landfill. I’ve seen where our trash goes. It’s sad and it smells bad. As such, if I can repair an item I will certainly try before giving up on it.

One time I bought an angle grinder from Harbor Freight. It cost me $10. The button that stops the wheel from turning so you can change pads broke the very first time I used it. I spent the next 3 years shoving a screwdriver in the hole to change pads. I didn’t try to repair that one but it demonstrates my tenacity, stubbornness, and my need to feel that I’ve gotten my money’s worth from an object.

A lot of manufacturers these days don’t want you to repair the things they make. They would rather you just buy a new one. They even make it difficult to even attempt a repair. That’s not cool. It’s wasteful.

I think we, all of us, have a responsibility and an obligation to be good stewards of our environment. Reducing waste is a small effort every single person can do. And making repairs instead of buying new is a good first step.

A Low-flow showerhead

Simplicity Simply Isn’t Simple

Stores are packed with so much shit, these days that there’s no room to pass another person in aisles, and yet, they never have what I’m looking for.

How To Replace Mavic Air Arm: Easy DIY Guide

My DJI Mavic Air recently fell out of the sky quite unexpectedly. Its tumble to Earth left the left-rear motor smooshed and deformed and wouldn’t spin freely anymore. I didn’t even think to replace the whole arm on my Mavic Air initially. At first, I tried to see if I could simply replace the motor […]

Book with cover ripped off

Book With An Old Broken Binding Gets New Life

I don’t know the history of this book or even how we came to own it. The only thing I know about the book is that Bonnie’s niece borrowed it once. Then the little tart returned it in this sorry state. It wasn’t in mint condition when she took it but for fucks sake… So […]