The Craigslist Free Section Is Up To Shenannigans Today
As I have mentioned here before, I check the free section on Craigslist multiple times every day. The offerings are mostly trash that someone is hoping to make someone else’s problem rather than making an effort to discard it on their own. Occasionally, though, there is a gem, and even more infrequently, someone will post a joke, solicitation for sex, or just plain nonsense.
Free Harassment Training On Craigslist
At the top of the list, this morning was a Craigslist post that would fall neatly into the latter category. It was a simple post titled “ICE Hotline,” and the description just said, “Report the illegals.” There were two pictures in the ad: one of the ICE seal and another with ICE contact information. I’m not sure what the point of the ad was. Probably just to make the poster feel smug and sanctimonious.

Nothin’ Fer Nothin’
When I checked in later this evening, I saw a picture of a box fan sitting on four air filters. The ad was titled “Smoke Filter.” The description only said, “Free instructions to make very effective, hi volume filter for you home,” Why not just put the instructions in the ad? Why make it a whole thing where I have to reach out to you? Why not just fuck off and not bother making a Craigslist ad that no one is going to see anyway? Make a video and post it to TikTok or YouTube and let people who are looking for instructions for making an air filter find it.

Btw, I fully grasp the irony of me saying, “Why not just fuck off and not bother making an ad no one is going to see anyway?” while writing a blog post no one is going to see. I’m not pretending to be helpful, though.
“Get A Bucket And A Mop For That…” 🎶
These two Craigslist ads came on the heels of an ad I saw earlier this week. It’s a photo of a guy, standing in a bathroom holding a mop handle. The description reads, “I am a great home cleaner and go through a lot of mops. I switch to a new mop and have no need for this one.”

At first glance, it seems like a post about a mop handle. Weird, sure, but almost everything that people are giving away on Craigslist is weird. When you examine the picture a little more closely, however, you can see his cock bulging through his shorts. You can actually see the outline of his German army helmet and everything. The internet is a weird place.

I Didn’t Spend My Whole Day On Craigslist, Though
I painted the wall in my garage today. Most of the day was spent sanding the cabinets, drawers, and walls in my garage with the door closed because I didn’t want to deal with the wind blowing for the I-don’t-know-how-manyith-consecutive-day. It was a poor choice that I will pay for with my lungs when I’m older.
Today was the first day since I started this ridiculous garage remodeling project that I didn’t want to be out there. I just didn’t want to work on it anymore. I’m sick of it. The thought of sanding all of those drawers made me want to just put everything back and call it good enough. I persevered, and as usually happens, I discovered that it wasn’t as bad as I had built it up in my mind. It was actually really easy and went super quickly.
All my prep work is done, and all that is left is to paint everything. So, before I called it a day, I threw a coat of primer on the walls. I was hoping that seeing the plywood painted white would give me the burst of inspiration and motivation I needed to drive this project home. It didn’t. It looks like shit. The primer drew all of the lignans out of the wood, so the whole wall looks like a nursing home mattress, or maybe one you might find on the Craigslist free section. It will look better after I paint it… I hope.🤞