Today Was A Shit Day
That’s right Mr. Angry Tiki Man. I feel you. Today was such a shitty day, that I’m not going to write about it because it’s only going to piss me off. So I’ll just say this: I’m glad the day is over, and I look forward to starting fresh in the morning.
As I was uploading the tiki man, I found that I had eight copies of this photo on my phone. I was about to take the picture of the tiki man when Bonnie called, so my camera app was still open when I set my phone face down on my desk. Then, when I tried to turn up the volume so I could hear her better, I ended up taking eight pictures of my ceiling, which look kind of cool; ghostly.

Holy shit! I keep thinking I’m done with this post and more shit keeps happening. I just got an email from my credit card company informing me of a change to my credit report, so I logged in to see what’s up. My credit score just dropped 48 points! The servicing of my mortgage just switched from one company to another, so the old company zeroed out my account, making it look like I paid off my mortgage. Fuckers.
I’m ending this post before anything else daft happens to me.