A red sticker with Donalad Duck's Face and the word Terrific
A Photo A Day

Waiting For The Other Shoe To Drop


Things have been going well for the past few days, maybe longer, and that makes me uneasy. The pendulum always swings back the other way and it usually lingers on the other side longer than it does on this side. I can never fully enjoy the good times because bad times are always right behind. Unfortunately, during periods of stress and strife, I never have the same vigilant sense that this too shall pass.

With the patio around the firepit as done as it’s going to get until the rocks settle, and the garage makeover as done as it’s going to get until I sell all of the shit out there, it’s time to move on to the next task which, unfortunately, is taxes. Normally I Ned Flanders the shit out of my tax return and start it before all of the W-2s, 1099s and other miscelaneous forms are in. I’ve been putting it off this year, though, mostly because I’ve been busy, but also out of a vague sense of dread. Bonnie’s W-2 looks like the woman in charge of payroll at her company may have made a mistake that might cost us a lot of money. I’m not sure yet.

So, that could be the other shoe. Or maybe it’s all of the bills I have to pay this week. Or maybe it’s something I don’t even know is headed my way. Time will tell. I’ll try to enjoy the calm in my life right now, but I’ll always have a weather eye on the horizon. Let’s just hope I’m looking at the right horizon.

Also, I got a haircut today.

My new haircut

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