We Interupt This Winter To Bring You Winter
When I was a kid, rainy days were always a surprise—at least a rainy day like today, which was preceded by weeks of warm sunny days. I never knew what the weather was going to be and I didn’t much care. Now, the surprise is gone. I know down to the hour when it will rain, if it will wind, and how hot or cold it will be.
Now, you might be thinking that I’m feeling nostalgic for my childhood and those simpler days, but I’m not. I like knowing well in advance what the weather will be like on a given day. It allows me to plan my week. On Monday I installed and waterproofed all of the electrical around the firepit. I did my grocery shopping yesterday, so that I wouldn’t have to go out today or tomorrow. I also took some time yesterday to bring anything inside that might be damaged by rain. So, that freed up today to be an inside day. I had planned to do taxes today, but I got far enough with them last night to be sufficiently depressed for a good long while, so today was all about editing.
I haven’t spent a whole day editing in months, and today was no different. While I got some editing done, I also spent a good chunk of my afternoon cooking. I made noodles for lunch, and then baked a loaf of gluten-free, almost vegan banana bread. It was almost vegan because I tried to find a gluten-free recipe that didn’t call for eggs, not even thinking about the fact that the whole recipe would be vegan, but I didn’t want to bother with vegan butter, so I used real butter. Otherwise, I followed the recipe’s instructions. So, now I have a great big, beautiful, gluten and egg-free loaf of chocolate chip banana bread.

It was actually really tasty! Beginner’s luck?