Well, That Was A Busy And Productive Saturday
I actually set an alarm to make sure I was up early this morning because a guy was coming at 9 a.m. to buy my bandsaw. I’m always doubtful buyers will actually show up because they can be very flakey, but he showed up on time, and he paid me my asking price without even bothering to haggle. I love that.
After the morning’s business was settled, Bonnie and I went to an estate sale that I really wanted to go to yesterday, but didn’t because it rained all day. I’m so glad I didn’t try to go in the rain after I saw the prices they were asking today. They had a lot of cool shit. The guy whose estate was being sold was an editor for Fox and a photographer, I guess. He had lots of lighting equipment and some high-end stereo equipment, too, including a Technics, rack-mountable tape deck. They were asking $250 for the tape deck, which is probably what they could get for it on eBay, but no one in this broke-ass town is going to pay that, although it I did, briefly, consider it.
We checked out a few more sales, all were duds, and then we ended up at JoAnn Fabrics so Bonnie could check out the store closing deals. People were going nuts over the discounts, but the store had better deals with coupons before they were closing. I picked up a set of sketching pencils because I want to try my hand at drawing. I tried when I was a kid, but I sucked because I didn’t have the patience and perspective necessary to convert what I saw to an image on paper. I think I can do it now. We’ll see.
The day sort of got derailed when Bonnie was trying to put away some spices we got as a Christmas gift from my mom, and we ended up spending two hours cleaning out cabinets and rearranging them. That was a project that’s been on my list for a long, long time, so I’m glad we finally crossed it off.
I made sopes for dinner, and we sat out back and ate while the neighbor’s stupid fucking French Bulldog serenaded us the whole fucking time. Just as we finished eating, our stupid fucking neighbors brought their stupid fucking dog inside. Fuckers.
It was a beautiful day that faded into a beautiful evening, if not a little cold, so we sat out back and lit a fire in our firepit for the first time since I finished laying the stones around it. Sitting around a fire just isn’t the same when you’re sober. It’s kind of boring.
When the fire burnt down, and we started getting cold, we went inside and played a couple of games of 301 where I threw this unlikely cluster.

It was a good Saturday.